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Saturday, August 13, 2011

BTS (Back To School)... WTF?

This coming week is one of the busiest shopping periods at Pencils, so I informed my manager I'd be taking a sabbatical for 10 days. There wasn't much, if any reaction from management. Considering my little "run-in" with a customer and her two little asshole daughters a few nights back, it may be a relief for them that I won't be around for the shit-storm referred to by corporate branding as "Back To School" week.

To add insult to injury, on my way out of the store I overheard my manager, Matt, threatening to fire Kathy, one of the new cashiers, if she didn't sign-up 6 new reward card customers, take in 10-$1 donations to the Un-united Way and sell some other dumb-ass promotional gimmicks during her shift. When Matt left, Karen told me they had her on the schedule for 12 days in a row. "I'm working as a fuckin' cashier and now they expect me to squeeze an extra dollar or two from every customer?" I suggested she call their bluff and walk-out. They obviously don't have anyone else to replace her or she wouldn't have so many hours. Somebody in corporate needs their head examined before it explodes.


  1. I thought karen got fired in the August 8th edition?

  2. I think he using "Anonymous" names.

  3. I also work at a Pencils store. Looks like no matter the store, the threats still remain the same!

  4. If your managers are threatening you like that you should call HR. In my store we expect everyone to work hard, but we have fired managers for threatening people who don't get enough rewards sign ups.

  5. Sorry about misidentifying the cashier... it was Kathy. Karen was fired.

  6. Ive worked at 3 Pencils store and im there everyday. I've never had management treat me or anyone else that way
